ISSC of RAS(UB) / Young scientists / Competition for the Prize of the Governor of the Sverdlovskaya region for young scientists in 2009

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Competition for the Prize of the Governor of the Sverdlovskaya region for young scientists in 2009

Announcement about the Competition for the Prize of the Governor of the Sverdlovskaya region for young scientists in 2009


In accordance with the decree of the Governor of the Sverdlovskaya region No. 21-UG dated January 19, 2004 On the institution of the Prize of the Governor of the Sverdlovskaya region for young scientists, the the Awarding Commission announces the 2009 Competition for the Prize of the Governot of the Sverdlovskaya region for young scientists. The Prize of the Governor of the Sverdlovskaya region for young scientists (hereinafter the Prize) is awarded on a competitive basis to young researchers working in research organizations or institutions of higher learning of the Sverdlovskaya region for fundamental scientific works in the form of monographs or series of articles published in the leading Russian or foreign editions, as well as for works having specific scientific and applied results including economic effect. The 2009 Competition is announced in 16 nominations:

1) the best work in electrophysics;

2) the best work in solid state chemistry and electrochemistry;

3) the best work in mathematics;

4) the best work in theoretical physics;

5) the best work in experimental physics and power engineering;

6) the best work in mechanics and engineering science;

7) the best work in metallurgy and metallography;

8) the best work in inorganic and organic chemistry;

9) the best work in information science, telecommunications, and control systems;

10) the best work in general biology;

11) the best work in nature conservation;

12) the best work in Earth sciences;

13) the best work in pedagogical and psychological sciences;

14) the best work in physiology and medicine;

15) the best work in humanities;

16) the best work in ecomonics.


Sixteen prizes, one in each nomination, 100 000 roubles each, will be awarded in 2009 (the Prize sum is not subject to taxation). The deadline for submission of works is November 1, 2009. The works are nominated by the Presidium of the Ural Branch RAS, joint scientific councils of UB RAS, scientific councils of research organizations and institutions of higher learning of the Sverdlovskaya region. One and the same candidate cannot be nominated in two or more works. The candidate should not be older than 35 by November 1, 2009. The work is nominated by the nominator in the form of a presentation, which should contain the information about the nominee, a brief description of the main results of the nominated work, and the name of nomination. The minutes (extract from the minutes) containing the decision about the nomination for the Prize are attached to the presentation. The following documents (one copy) should be presented by the nominee to the Awarding Commission by November 1, 2009:


1. The presentation made by the nominator, which should include a brief description of the main results of the nominated work and its significance for science and economy.

2. The work in the form of copies of published monographs or series of articles and (or) materials indicating the specific results of the work.

3. Biographical particulars of the nominee: 3.1. title of the work; 3.2. surname, name, patronymic; 3.3. year, month, and day of birth; 3.4. place of employment; 3.5. position; 3.6. academic degree; 3.7. number of scientific works, monographs, contributions to scientific conferences with participation of the nominee; 3.8. number and names of grants and prizes received with participation of the nominee; 3.9. home address; 3.10. official address; 3.11. official phone; 3.12. home phone; 3.13. fax; 3.14. e-mail; 3.15. internet address.

4. List of the nominee’s main scientific works (certified);

5. Reference about the nominee’s contribution (for works made in co-authorship) signed by the co-authors.


Documents to be presented in the electronic form should contain the following information:

1. Title of the work;

2. Name of nomination;

3. Abstract (not more than 1 page);

4. Complete name of the organization where the work was performed;

5. Information about the nominee (biographical particulars, clauses 3.1. – 3.15.).

The documents should be submitted by November 1, 2009 to the address: 91, Pervomaiskaya str., office 105, Regional scientific and engineering center, Ekaterinburg, Phone (343) 362-33-06.   

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