ISSC of RAS(UB) / Research Subdivisions / Laboratory of quantum chemistry and spectroscopy after professor A.L. Ivanovsky

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 ISSC of RAS(UB) / Research Subdivisions / Laboratory of quantum chemistry and spectroscopy after professor A.L. Ivanovsky   Site Map     Language Switch to Russain Switch to English
About Laboratory
Main Fields and Results of Research Activities
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About Laboratory

Laboratory Head: Professor, Doctor of Chemistry
Kuznetsov Mikhail Vladimirovich

Phone: (343) 374-33-56

Laboratory staff: 24 employees, among them 4 Doctors, 12 researchers holding PhD decree and 3 Postgraduates.

The Laboratory (originally the Laboratory of physicochemical methods of analysis of organic compounds, till 1978 the Laboratory of physicochemical methods of investigation of organic and inorganic compounds) was founded in 1963. The founder and the first head of the Laboratory was Prof., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Anatolii Kuzmich Chirkov, a specialist in the field of spectroscopy of condensed matter. At first, several research groups concerned with experimental spectroscopic studies, such as electronic paramagnetic resonance, optical, IR and Raman spectroscopy, were formed in the Laboratory. Then, in 1970-1978, the research teams involved in quantum chemistry, NMR and electron spectroscopy have been created. In the period from 1978 to 1994 the head of the Laboratory was Prof. Vladimir Aleksandrovich Gubanov, the Laureate of the State prize in the field of science and engineering. From 1994 to 2013 the Laboratory was headed by Prof. Ivanovskii Aleksandr Leonidovich, the Laureate of the State prize in the field of science and engineering. Since 2013 the head of the Laboratory is Prof., Doctor of Chemistry Mikhail Vladimirovich Kuznetsov.


Research complex including:
         VG ESCALAB MK II electronic spectrometer
         scanning tunneling microscope VT STM (Omicron)
         ultrahigh vacuum high-temperature chamber

Design and programming N-Studio 
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