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  • Certificate of authorship No. 1637216 "Method of production of copper-containing superconducting oxide compounds". Registered in the State Registration Book of Inventions on 22.11.1990.

  • Certificate of authorship No. 1837593 "Method of production of copper-containing superconducting oxide compounds of a rare-earth element or barium". Registered in the State Registration Book of Inventions on 31.07.1990.

  • Certificate of authorship No. 1558149 "Method of production of cuprites of alkaline-earth and rare-earth elements or bismuth". Registered in the State Registration Book of Inventions on 15.12.1989.

  • Certificate of authorship No. 1097604 "Method of production of acetates of bivalent copper, nickel or cobalt". Registered in the State Registration Book of Inventions on 15.02.1984.

  • Certificate of authorship No. 1058228 "Method of production of copper chloride (1)". Registered in the State Registration Book of Inventions on 01.08.1983.

  • Certificate of authorship No. 491766 "Method of production of a charge for growing acoustooptic monocrystals of lead molybdate". Registered in the State Registration Book of Inventions on 21.09.1982.

  • Certificate of authorship No. 594690 "Method of production of cadmium vanadates". Registered in the State Registration Book of Inventions on 28.10.1977.

  • Certificate of authorship No. 569107 "Method of production of strontium and barium orthovanadates". Registered in the State Registration Book of Inventions on 23.04.1977.

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