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 10.08.2011   Site Map     Language Switch to Russain Switch to English


All-Russian Conference



VIII Workshop of SB RAS – UB RAS


Winter School on solid state chemistry

February 06-10, 2012, Ekaterinburg




Inorganic functional materials and composites

Thermodynamics and material science of inorganic substances

Thermodynamic and computer simulation techniques in material science

Nanocrystalline materials, dimensional effects

Reactivity of solids in heterogeneous systems,

compatibility of heterogeneous materials of solid-state structures


Members of the Organizing Committee

Acad. V.N. Antsiferov; Corr. Mem. RAS V.G. Bamburov; Prof. A.R. Beketov; Prof. V.I. Belevantsev; Acad. V.V. Boldyrev; Corr. Mem. RAS Е.А. Gudilin; Corr. Mem. RAS V.V. Gusarov; Prof. V.M. Zhukovskii; Acad. F.А. Kuznetsov; Corr. Mem. RAS N.Z. Lyakhov; Corr. Mem. RAS I.V. Melikhov; Acad. Yu.D. Tretyakov; Prof. V.А. Cherepanov; Corr. Mem. RAS А.B. Yaroslavtsev

The topics of the Conference cover actual problems of fundamental and applied research performed in the Russian Federation in the field of solid state chemistry. Special consideration will be given to the problems of interrelation of thermodynamics and material science. This topic will be discussed at the 8th Joint Workshop of inorganic chemists of the Siberian and Ural Branches RAS Thermodynamics and Material Science included in the Conference schedule as a separate section. The Organizing Committee realizes the important role the Conference can and must play in the education of young researchers; in order to make the cooperation between the generations of scientists more objective and to give the young people a possibility to communicate with the leading specialists in physical chemistry, solid state chemistry, and chemical thermodynamics, students and postgraduates who take part in the traditional Winter school on solid state chemistry held with active participation of tutors and students of the UFU and UB RAS will be involved in the event. The Conference will comprise plenary and poster sessions.

The Conference proceedings will be published by the beginning of the Conference as brief A4 format one-page communications. Deadlines: Registration at the Conference site – September 10, 2011; Reception of abstracts – September 25, 2011; Second circular – November 10, 2011; Invitation and Conference Program – January 10, 2012.

To participate in the Conference and receive further information please register at the Conference site http://www.ihim.uran.ru/conf/reg/registration. A contributor to several presentations should include the abstracts of all presentations in one file using the proposed template (http://www.ihim.uran.ru/files/conf/SSC2012/Template.rtf). Registration requirement: register one title of a report on behalf of one author. The Conference will be held during 5 days in Ekaterinburg; rooms will be reserved in the central hotels of the city. Further information about the participation in the Conference will be given in the second circular.


Postal address: Denisova T.A., 91, Pervomaiskaya str., 620990, Ekaterinburg,

Institute of Solid State Chemistry UB RAS

Tel.: (343) 3745219; (343) 3744845; (343) 3744814; Fax (343) 3744495

E-mail: ssc2012@ihim.uran.ru


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