ISSC of RAS(UB) / Research Subdivisions / Laboratory of physico-chemistry of dispersed systems

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 ISSC of RAS(UB) / Research Subdivisions / Laboratory of physico-chemistry of dispersed systems   Site Map     Language Switch to Russain Switch to English
About Laboratory
Main Fields and Results of Research Activities
For Contacts

About Laboratory

Laboratory Head: Dr.
Shevchenko Vladimir Grigoryevich

Phone: (343) 362-33-52

Laboratory staff: 21 employees including 3 Doctors of Science, 4 PhD decree holders and 2 Postgraduate.

The Laboratory was founded in 1977 to advance physicochemical studies of the properties of contacting phases, as well as of statics and kinetics of interphase processes occurring during interaction of inorganic and organic compounds. The organizer and the head of the Laboratory was Prof. Kononenko Vladimir Ivanovich. The basic research area is “The properties of condensed systems based on I-III group elements and rare-earth metals: interparticle interactions, large-scale effects and novel materials”.

In 2009, Dr. Shevchenko Vladimir Grigoryevich became the head of the Laboratory who continued the Laboratory’s basic research.


  • Devices (author’s developments) for studying optical properties, density, viscosity, electrical resistance, tension of aggressive metallic melts, as well as catalytic activity of metallic compounds in different inorganic and organic processes, in particular, in the Fischer-Tropsh reaction;
  • F. Karl Erb sorbtomatic;
  • LEF-3m ellipsometer equipped with a monochromator;
  • Electronic spectrometer;
  • Auger spectrometer;
  • IR-spectrometer Specord-75;
  • Derivatographs Q-1500, Q-1000.

 Scientific contacts

  • M. Plank Institute, Stuttgart, Germany
  • School of Mines at the University of Lorraine, Nancy, France
  • Institute for Energetic and Interfaces National NRC Italia, Roma
  • University of Chinkhua, Institute of Materials Science, Beijing
  • R&D Center, General Motors Corp., Detroit, USA
  • IPM NAS of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine
  • Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Latvia, Riga
  • Аdvanced Metal Technology L.T.D, Israel
  • Institut fur Metallkunde, Sofia, Bulgaria

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