About Laboratory
Laboratory Head: Dr. Zhuravlyov Viktor Dmitriyevich
Phone: (343) 374-50-05 E-mail: 
Laboratory staff: 11 employees, 1 of which is a Corresponding Member of RAS and 4 hold PhD degrees. The Laboratory of chemistry of compounds of rare-earth elements was formed within the Laboratory of chemistry of rare elements headed by Prof. A.K. Sharova. This Laboratory was involved in the studies of comprehensive processing of rare and rare-earth element containing concentrates from new deposits (loparites, grothites, perovskites, titanomagnetites). On the basis of these studies, first, a research group having the rights of a laboratory and then the Laboratory of chemistry of compounds of rare-earth elements were established.
The Laboratory of chemistry of compounds of rare-earth elements at the Institute of Chemistry USC USSR AS was established in 1973. The Head of the Laboratory was Prof. V.G. Bamburov, who was elected a Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2000. Among the problems posed with the Laboratory team there was synthesis of novel compounds containing rare-earth elements in the lowest degree of oxidation.
Since 2004 Dr. V.D. Zhuravlyov has been the acting head of the Laboratory. Earlier V.D. Zhuravlyov worked in the Central Laboratory at the Ural Plant of Chemical Reagents as the Deputy Director for Marketing.
Over the last 30 years, the research area of the Laboratory expanded from traditional europium ion in different crystallochemical environment to systems based on the whole series of REE. The experience of the Laboratory in synthesis and exploration of mixed oxides was valuable in the development of compositional materials for machining and polishing of metals.
In the period from 1993 to 1996, a number of RFBR projects have been fulfilled. In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Science of Russia, the Laboratory took part in competitive research works Novel Materials (Ceramics) (1994–1999).
- Furnaces for synthesis under atmospheric and vacuum conditions at temperatures up to 1800oС;
- DRON-2.0;
- Thermal analyzers Paulic-Paulic-Erdey,