ISSC of RAS(UB) / Research Subdivisions / Laboratory of oxide systems

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 ISSC of RAS(UB) / Research Subdivisions / Laboratory of oxide systems   Site Map     Language Switch to Russain Switch to English
About Laboratory
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About Laboratory

Laboratory Head: Corresponding Member of the RAS, Professor
Kozhevnikov Viktor Leonidovich

Phone: (343) 374-52-19

Laboratory staff: The Laboratory includes 25 employees, 5 of which are Doctors of Chemistry  and  8 hold  PhD degree.

In  November 1962, a  research group was organized within the Laboratory of Chemistry of Rare Elements headed by A.K. Sharova to study chemistry and technology of vanadium and titanium compounds. The group had the rights of a laboratory and included А.А. Ivakin, А.А. Fotiev, V.G. Bamburov, B.V. Slobodin, М.P. Glazyrin, V.L. Volkov, N.V. Kiselyova, Z.D. Efremova, L.L. Surat, N.А. Ignatyeva, and L.I. Chashchina. The leader of the group was А.А. Ivakin. A part of this research group was transformed into the Laboratory of Oxide Systems, which was headed in 1971 by Prof. A.A. Fotiev. Since 1996 the Laboratory was headed by Prof. B.V. Slobodin. The Laboratory research area is investigation of regular features of phase formation and physicochemical properties of complex oxide systems involving transition metals with the aim of obtaining scientific data on directed synthesis of novel materials and for technology streamlining.In 2004, the Laboratory was united with the Laboratory of Wear-Resistant Coatings founded in the mid of 1970-ies at the beginning of 1980-ies, the years noted by growing interest in physical and physicomechanical properties of materials in the form of films and coatings. The initial studies were performed in the Laboratory of Refractory Compounds under the leadership of Acad. G.P. Shveikin. The works on synthesis and investigation of powder plasma coatings showed promise for mechanical engineering. As a result of development of this direction, the Laboratory of Wear-Resistant Coatings was established in 1985, the head of the Laboratory was Dr. B.V. Mitrofanov. At the end of 1990-ies, a research team concerned with physical chemistry and solid state ionics joined the Laboratory.           


  • Tools for designing, modeling, and controlling of interelectrode pulse cyclic interaction processes in neutral electrolytes, basis setup ES-4000 for electrochemical shaping;
  • Ion-plasma sputtering device. Operating gases are nitrogen, argon, oxygen; operating pressure range 10-2-10-4 atm., accelerating voltage to 1.5 kV, operating temperatures 250-800oС;
  • Computerized complex for determining oxygen diffusion parameters and coulometric titration of oxide materials including electrochemical interface Solartron 1286, nanovoltmeter Solartron 7081, and multichannel scanner Minate (England). Operating temperature range 20-1200oС. Oxygen pressure range 10-18 - 1 atm;
  • Computerized complex for measuring electrical resistance and thermal e.m.f. including electrochemical interface Solartron 1286, frequency response analyzers Solartron 1250 and 1260, nanovoltmeter Solartron 7081 (England). Operating frequency range 10 mHz - 30 MHz. Operating temperature range 20 -1200oС. Oxygen pressure range 10-18 - 1 atm;
  • Thermoanalyzer TG-DTA-92 (Setaram, France). Operating temperature range 20-1600oС. Balance sensitivity 10-6 g. Equipped with a system for controlling oxygen content in operating atmosphere;
  • Double microcalorimeter Kalve H-1000 (Setaram, France). Sensitivity 2.5 mcJ. Operating temperature 20-1000oС. Equipped with a system for controlling oxygen content in operating atmosphere;
  • Equipment for solid-phase reaction synthesis – laboratory furnaces Naber (Germany) with electronic programmers of synthesis regime. Operating temperatures to 1600oС. Temperature maintenance accuracy – better than +/-1oC. Analytical electronic balance Sartorius (Germany), weighing accuracy 10‑5 g. Electronic microbalance Sartorius, weighing accuracy 10‑7 g. Microgrinder Retch (Germany), grinding to 1 mcm. Ultradisintegrator Retch, grinding to 0.2 mcm;
  • Thermal analyzer Setsys Evolution (Setaram, France) with software. Operating temperature range to 1600°C in vacuum and in different gas media. Sensitivity of balance 10-6 g;
  • Furnaces including Naber furnaces;
  • Laboratory-scale mills Retch;
  • Differential scanning calorimeter DSCQ10 (TA Instruments, USA), operating temperature range 20-725°С, sample weight from 0.5 to 100 mg. Temperature maintenance accuracy +/- 0.1°С;
  • Laboratory-scale gas chromatograph Kristall 2000M for analysis of natural gas samples. Determination error 0.2-0.4%;
  • Dilatometer Linseis L75/1250 (US). Vertical sample holder. Operating temperature range 20-1250°C. Measurement span ±2500 mcm, resolution 14 nm;

Extruder Haake PolyDrive R252. Diameter 19.1 mm. Maximal temperature 450°C. Maximal pressure 700 bar.

Design and programming N-Studio 
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