About Laboratory
Laboratory Head: Prof. Polyakov Evgenii Valentinovich
Phone: (343) 374-48-14 E-mail: 
Laboratory staff: 17 employees including 1 Doctors of Science and 3 PhD degree holders. In order to provide physicochemical and analytical studies in the Institute of Chemistry UB AS, a laboratory of analytical chemistry was founded in 1952, which was headed by Dr. N.V. Bausova. In 1959, the Laboratory of physicochemical methods was established, the head of which from 1959 to 1986 was Prof. D.I. Kurbatov. Three areas of research formed in the Laboratory in the beginning of 1960-ies: polarographic methods, chemistry of refractory compounds and structural analysis of inorganic substances. The research teams working in the latter two fields later branched out into independent laboratories. In 1981, the Laboratory of analytical chemistry and the Laboratory of physicochemical methods of analysis united. The head of the Laboratory was Prof. D.I. Kurbatov, and since 1986 – Prof. R.N. Pletnyov. When in 1992 Prof. Е.V. Polyakov became the head of the Laboratory, a new area of focus was added to the already existing research directions, namely, the study of physicochemical behavior and reactivity of trace quantities of inorganic substances in aqueous solutions. The Multiple-Access Center (MAC) Element and isotope analysis of solid states at the UB RAS (/files/lab/fhma/ZKP.pdf) functions on the basis of the Laboratory. It was created together with the analytical laboratory at the Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry UB RAS to provide the institutes concerned with natural sciences (IPE, IHTE, IMin) with physicochemical and analytical data. In 2005, the fundamental and applied research of the Laboratory expanded owing to investigations of crystallization processes in aqueous solutions carried out by the group of Dr. O.D. Linnikov. When in 2009 Acad. G.P. Shveikin with his team joined the Laboratory, they continued the study of sorption catalytic processes in heterogeneous systems and material science research in the field of transition metal refractory carbides and nitrides within the Laboratory of physicochemical methods of analysis.
Laboratory equipment
- mass-spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma Spectromass 2000 and an attachment for laser etching of hard specimens LSX-500;
- atomic absorption spectrometer produced by Perkin-Elmer;
- МЕТАVАK-АK and МЕТАVАK-CS devices for analysis of the content of nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and sulfur in solid substances;
- state-of-the-art polarographic equipment for research in the field of polarography and voltamperometry of aqueous organic solutions;
- X-ray fluorescent spectrometer Spectroscan;
- general-purpose laboratory equipment including precision balance and extra-pure water preparation system.
The Multiple-Access Center (MAC) Element and isotope analysis of solid states at the UB RAS functions on the basis of the Laboratory. It was created together with the analytical laboratory at the Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry to provide the institutes concerned with natural sciences (IPE, IHTE, IMin) with physicochemical and analytical data. The material resources of the MAC include spectrometers Spectromass 2000 (Spectro Analytical, Germany), Metavak АK, Metavak CS (METAVAK OJSC, Izhevsk, Russia), polarograph PLS2 (Infratron Ltd., Moscow, Russia), interface block GrafIt2 to multi-purpose polarograph (NTF VOLTA. St.-Petersburg, Russia). These devices operate more than 75% of time annually to provide fundamental and applied studies of the MAC institutes, as well as of other institutes at the UB RAS and universities of Ekaterinburg.
Scientific contacts
The Laboratory carries out joint research together with the Institute of Mineralogy UB RAS (www.ilmeny.ac.ru), the Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry UB RAS (www.ihte.uran.ru), the Russian Federal Nuclear Center VNIITF (www.vniitf.ru), USTU-UPI (www.ustu.ru), USU (www.usu.ru).
In collaboration with the Russian Federal Nuclear Center, the South Ural State University and the Institute of Mineralogy UB RAS, the Laboratory team fulfills the ISTC (www.istc.ru) project No. 1872 under the scientific supervision of Acad. G.P. Shveikin (/files/lab/fhma/Project1872.pdf).