ISSC of RAS(UB) / Developments

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New materials
Electrotechnology and material processing

New materials

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  1. Heating elements made of radio wave absorbing ceramics - (intended for muffle microwave furnaces; considerable reduction of electric energy consumption resulted from a 1.5 to 2-fold decrease in the time required to reach the operating temperature)
    Theme of development: New materials

  2. Foam ceramic materials - (filters for purification of liquids, metals, and gases; electrodes in electrochemical treatment of sewage; noise absorbing devices; filling material for hollow structures; flame arresters)
    Theme of development: New materials

  3. Conducting alloy - (strength and electric conductivity are increased owing to introduction of special additions)
    Theme of development: New materials

  4. Complex-oxide ceramic for polycrystalline films having a ferrite-garnet structure - (memory elements with a high recording density for computing machinery)
    Theme of development: New materials

  5. Quantitative image processing system - (processing of images from scanning devices of any types)
    Theme of development: New materials

  6. Method of production of scandium-aluminum master alloy - (industrial losses of scandium are reduced and the yield of the master alloy increases by 15%)
    Theme of development: New materials

  7. Automobile enamel drying promoter - (the time required to paint an automobile is reduced)
    Theme of development: New materials

  8. Nanocomposite track membranes - A device has been created for the production of nanocomposite track membranes (NCTM) with the use of plasmochemical methods. The developed technology permits continuous spraying of titanium carbide or nitride on a 50 cm wide NCTM apron. The sprayed layers cover not only the external surface of the membrane, but also its intra-pore space. NCTM samples having a conducting TiN layer were used to determine the fractional composition of algae in some water reservoirs of Sverdlovskaya region (in cooperation with IPAE UB RAS).
    Theme of development: New materials
    more in detail>>

  9. Restoration of metal-cutting tools - (restored tools have a twice as long service life as new ones)
    Theme of development: New materials

  10. Synthesis of novel multi-functional nano-sized materials and nanocomposites based on d-element oxides
    Theme of development: New materials

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