ISSC of RAS(UB) / Research Subdivisions / Laboratory of physico-chemistry of dispersed systems

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 ISSC of RAS(UB) / Research Subdivisions / Laboratory of physico-chemistry of dispersed systems   Site Map     Language Switch to Russain Switch to English
About Laboratory
Main Fields and Results of Research Activities
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Main Fields and Results of Research Activities

Scientific fields | Scientific results
  • Fundamental research

    • Elaboration of methods and calculation of kinetic, bulk and thermodynamic properties of liquid rare-earth metals and their alloys with elements of the Periodic system;

    • Elaboration of principles of control over the activity of components on the phase boundaries with the aim of synthesis of novel functional materials;

    • Development of experimental methods for studying:
      adsorption and absorption of gases and vapors on the surface of solids;
      oxidation in equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions to 2000 К;
      kinetic, bulk, surface and inter-phase properties of alloys, inorganic and organic compounds;
      electronic structure and element composition in the surface layers of metals and alloys (ellipsometry, Auger electron spectroscopy) etc.;

    • Examination of physicochemical processes under controllable conditions at low (liquid nitrogen) and high (above 2000 K) temperatures using original devices developed in the Laboratory.


  • Projects

    1.      RFBR Project "Investigation of the effect of surface-active impurities on the homogenization processes during crystallization of liquid eutectic alloys".

    2.      RFBR Project "Experimental study of metastable microheterogeneity of liquid metallic solutions of the monotectic type".

    3.      RFBR Project "Nanomaterials for new catalytic systems in the organic synthesis technologies".

    4.      RFBR Project "Optical properties and electronic characteristics of rare-earth materials and their alloys with aluminum in condensed state".

    5.  RFBR Project "Examination of impurity states of rare-earth metals in liquid state".


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