ISSC of RAS(UB) / Research Subdivisions / Laboratory of nonstoichiometric compound

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 ISSC of RAS(UB) / Research Subdivisions / Laboratory of nonstoichiometric compound   Site Map     Language Switch to Russain Switch to English
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Main Fields and Results of Research Activities

Scientific fields | Scientific results
  • Fundamental research

    • Development of the theory of atomic ordering in strongly nonstoichiometric interstitial compounds and substitutional solid solutions, elaboration of methods for calculating phase diagrams of binary and polycomponent systems with nonstoichiometry and ordering;
    • Investigation of synthesis conditions of nonstoichiometric carbides, nitrides, oxides and sulfides, their electronic and crystal structures, research of nonstoichiometry and ordering effects on the structure and properties of these compounds;
    • Development of methods of fine control over the structure and properties of nonstoichiometric compounds and solid solutions with their chemical composition remaining the same;
    • Study of kinetics and mechanism of chemical reactions in multi-component carbide- and nitride-forming systems, research into materials sintering;

    • Elaboration of physical and physico-chemical methods of analysis of the defect structure of nonstoichiometric compounds.




    1.      German-Russian Project “Atomic and vacancy ordering in strongly non-stoichiometric transition metal compounds MXy” (German-Russian DFG-Program “Novel Materials with Electronic Correlations, Strong Coupling and Different Dimensionalities”) 2004-2006. Project supervisor – Gusev A.I.

    2.      RFBR Project No. 04-03-32831 "Temperature transformations of nanocomposites based on metal hydroxides". Project supervisor – Shveikin G.P.

    3.      INTAS Fellowship Post doctoral Project No. 03-55-913 "The study of structural vacancies in ordered and disordered titanium monoxide by means of electron-positron annihilation techniques”. 2004-2006. Project supervisor – Valeyeva А.А.

    4.      RFBR Project No. 03-03-32031а "Methods of calculation of phase equilibria in systems with nonstoichiometry and ordering". 2003-2005. Project supervisorGusev A.I.

    5.      RFBR Project No. 03-03-32033а "Purpose-oriented synthesis and investigation of the structure, atomic-vacancy ordering and properties of double-deficient titanium monoxide". 2003-2005. Project supervisor – Valeyeva А.А.

    6.      Grant of the President of the Russian Federation No. МК-424.2003.03 "Study of the structure of disordered and ordered titanium monoxide by optical microscopy, X-ray and electron diffraction and transmission electron microscopy". 2003-2004. Project supervisor Valeyeva А.А.

    7.      RFBR Project No. 01-03-96510а (Ural) "High-temperature evaporation of refractory carbides and nitrides having wide homogeneity regions". 2001-2003. Project supervisorGusev A.I.

    8.      RFBR Project No. 01-03-32490а "Synthesis and control over reactivity of nanosized hydroxide sorbents". 2001-2003. Project supervisor Shveikin G.P.

    9.      RFBR Project No. 00-02-30012 (publishing) "Nanocrystalline materials". 2000-2001. Project supervisor – Gusev A.I.

    10.  RFBR Project No. 99-03-32208а "Effect of the structure of grain boundaries and their imperfection on physico-chemical properties of nanocrystalline materials". 1999-2001. Project supervisor – Rempel А.А.

    11.  RFBR Project No. 98-03-32512а "Sialcon ceramics: quantum chemical simulation of the structure and physico-chemical properties". 1998-2000. Project supervisor – Shveikin G.P.

    12.  RFBR Project No. 98-03-32566а "Thermomagetometry as a new method of investigation of defect formation processes in non-stoichiometric compounds". 1998-2000. Project supervisor – Kellerman D.G.

    13.  RFBR Project No. 98-03-32856а "Crystal chemistry of ordered phases of non-stoichiometric binary and ternary interstitial compounds of the systems M – C, M -N, M - Si - X, M - Al - X (M – transition metal of IV-V groups, X – B, C, N)". 1998-2000. Project supervisor – Gusev A.I.

    14.  RFBR Project No. 98-03-32890а "Formation conditions, regions of existence, microstructure and magnetic, electric and thermal properties of phases in the systems of titanium, hafnium and vanadium with carbon and nitrogen". 1998-2000. Project supervisorLipatnikov V.N.

    15.  RFBR Project No. 96-03-32060а "Finely dispersed systems of 3d-5d-element oxides with carbon: synthesis, properties and reactivity". 1996-1997. Project supervisor Shveikin G.P.

    16.  INTAS-RFBR Project No. 95-0565 (together with IMP UB RAS) "Electronic structure of transition metal silicides and interfaces of solids". 1995-1996.

    17.  RFBR Project No. 95-02-03549а "Theoretical and experimental study of thermodynamically equilibrium structures in strongly non-stoichiometric crystals". 1995-1997. Project supervisor – Gusev A.I.

    18.  Projekt-Nr: 03M2103 "Die Anwendung nichtstöchiometrischer Karbide des Titans, Niobiums und Tantals für die Herstellung von Hartmetallen mit verbesserten Eigenschaften". Programm Materialforschung des Bundesministeriums für Forschung und Technologie, Deutschland, 1992-1994. Project supervisorGusev A.I.

    19.  No. 09/01 (applied) "Development of a hard alloy for drilling and milling machines". 2002-2003. Project supervisor – Rempel A.A.

    20.  SSTP “Novel materials” (subprogram “Ceramic materials”) Project No. 02.01.04 (applied) "Development of physico-chemical principles of the technology for obtaining abrasives, refractories and compositional ceramics based on dispersed powders of silicon, titanium and aluminum oxides and carbides (carbonitrides)". 1997-1998. Project supervisor Shveikin G.P.

    21.  Russian Federation Ministry of Science Project (applied) "Obtaining of novel materials based on leucoxene concentrates and the products of its processing". 1997-1998. Project supervisor – Shveikin G.P.

    22.  SSTP Project “Ceramic materials” No. 287-Г (applied) "Ordered nonstoichiometric compounds and ceramics based thereon". 1993-1995. Project supervisor – Gusev A.I.

    23.  Project No. 147/93 (applied) "Scientific and technical inspection over the output of the pilot batch of niobium-tantalum carbide solid solutions and their industrial testing". 1993. Project supervisorLipatnikov V.N.

    24.  Project No. 145/92 (applied) "Obtaining of niobium-tantalum carbide solid solutions from Nb-Ta compositions produced with the chloride technique at the SMP". 1992-1993. Project supervisor – Gusev A.I.
    25.  Project No. 144/91 (applied) "Production of niobium and tantalum carbides with pre-assigned structural state from metallic powders". 1991. Project supervisorRempel А.А.

    26.  Project No. 143/90 (applied) "Certification of niobium and tantalum oxides and lithium niobate for the content of ferromagnetic admixtures". 1990. Project supervisor – Rempel А.А.

    27.  RF Predident Grant No. 40.300.21.0394-НШ "Supporting of leading scientific schools of the RF and young scientists". Project supervisor – Shveikin G.P.



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