ISSC of RAS(UB) / Developments

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Electrotechnology and material processing

Electrotechnology and material processing

  1. Restoration of metal-cutting tools - (the restored tools have twice as long service life as new ones)
    Theme of development: Electrotechnology and material processing

  2. Examination of chemical composition and possible reasons of its variation in VAR 112D type relay models - The reasons for variation of the properties of current relay contacts used in railway transport have been established.
    Theme of development: Electrotechnology and material processing

  3. Liquid metallic contact for current collection - (no toxic or explosive components such as mercury and sodium-potassium alloys are used; the ecological state of shops at non-ferrous metallurgy and machine-building enterprises is improved)
    Theme of development: Electrotechnology and material processing

  4. Electrochemical machining of parts with complex geometry - (Research, designing and experimental technological works were performed to establish the hydrodynamic conditions for feeding the electrolyte solution to the working area with the use of П-shaped multiplace tool electrodes, which provide the maximum loading of the technological current source of the ЭХФ А-1 machine with the treatment area of 100 cm2. Machining attachments were made to the device for series production of turbine blades of the 10th stage of the ТВ2-117А compressor rotor with productivity 8 blades per hour.)
    Theme of development: Electrotechnology and material processing
    more in detail>>

  5. Electrochemical machining of articles with complex geometry - Research, experimental, and engineering works have been performed to establish the hydrodynamic conditions for feeding the electrolyte solution to the working area with the use of П-shaped multiple tool electrodes. This configuration of the tool electrodes provides maximum loading of the current source for ЭХФ А-1 machine with treatment area of 100 cm2. Machining attachments were made for series production of turbine blades of the 10th stage of ТВ2-117А compressor rotor with productivity 8 blades per hour.
    Theme of development: Electrotechnology and material processing

  6. Wear-resistant coating for cutting tools - (enhanced rate of metal machining, better wear-resistance of cutting tools, improved quality of machined surfaces)
    Theme of development: Electrotechnology and material processing

  7. Simple and reliable method of connecting metallic and non-metallic materials - (connection of glass, quarts, glass ceramic and alike with each other or with metals with the aid of a liquid metallic solder in the temperature range from 25 to 300 С)
    Theme of development: Electrotechnology and material processing

  8. RF Patent No. 2344995 “Method for vanadium extraction” ((51) МПК CO1G 31/00 BO1D 11/00/). Kurbatova L.D., Kurbatov D.I. Registered in the Journal of the Federal Service for intellectual property, patents and trademarks. Inventions. Useful models. 2009. Part 4. No. 3. P. 1178 (in Russian)
    Theme of development: Electrotechnology and material processing

  9. Lubricant for abrasive treatment of materials - (1.5 time greater cutting ability of cutting tools, reduced treatment time, improved quality of treated surfaces)
    Theme of development: Electrotechnology and material processing

  10. RF Patent No. 2225656 "Alkaline element source for alkaline element vapor producing device". Registered in the State Registration Book of Inventions on 10.03.2004.
    Theme of development: Electrotechnology and material processing

  11. Method of electrochemical cleaning and polishing of metal strip - (this nature-friendly and cheap technology is compatible with rolling and can be used within a production line or autonomously)
    Theme of development: Electrotechnology and material processing

  12. High-speed electrochemical machining - (production of intricate-profile tools and machine parts made of constructional and tool steels, cermets, and plastic)
    Theme of development: Electrotechnology and material processing

  13. Examination of chemical composition and possible reasons of its variation in VAP 112D type relay samples - The reasons of changes in the properties of current relay contacts used in railway transport were found
    Theme of development: Electrotechnology and material processing
    more in detail>>

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