ISSC of RAS(UB) / About Institute

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Historical Note
Main Fields of Research Activities
Scientific Council

Main Fields of Research Activities

The basic research direction of the ISSCh UB RAS is targeted synthesis of solid-phase compounds and alloys of s, p, d, and f elements in various structural states, the study of their physicochemical properties aimed at development of promising materials, improvement and elaboration of novel technologies including those for processing of industrial wastes and the environmental protection. The Institute maintains the Specialized Council for defending doctorates and PhD thesis in inorganic and physical chemistry. The scientists of the Institute take an active part in the projects supported by Russian and foreign foundations and programs, such as the State Scientific Technical Programs New Materials and High-Temperature Superconductivity, the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Regional Program Ural, the International Science Foundation INTAS, the International Science and Technology Foundation etc. The researchers of the Institute regularly participate in international conferences and symposia. Long-term relations have been established with research centers and scientists from the USA, France, Germany, Sweden, Spain, and Czechia for execution of joint projects.

The most significant findings have been obtained in the following domains of the fundamental and applied research:
• physics and chemistry of oxide compounds including high-temperature superconductors;
• wear-resistant refractory compounds and materials based thereon;
• quick-hardening fusible and energy-intensive alloys;
• comprehensive processing of technogenic wastes and mineral raw materials and production of new materials on their basis;
• quantum chemistry and spectroscopy of solids.


Number of publications on 3342
Number of publications in RSCI 3000
Number of publications included in the RSCI main body 2542

Number of citations of publications on 19787
Number of citations of publications in RSCI 19432
Number of citations of publications included in the RSCI main body 17540

Hirsch index for all publications on 53
Hirsch index for publications in RSCI 53
Hirsch index for publications included in the RSCI main body 50

g-index 78
i-index 15
Number of authors 414
Number of authors registered in Science Index 67
Design and programming N-Studio 
© 2004-2025 ISSC of RAS(UB)
беременность, мода, красота, здоровье, диеты, женский журнал, здоровье детей, здоровье ребенка, красота и здоровье, жизнь и здоровье, секреты красоты, воспитание ребенка рождение ребенка,пол ребенка,воспитание ребенка,ребенок дошкольного возраста, дети дошкольного возраста,грудной ребенок,обучение ребенка,родить ребенка,загадки для детей,здоровье ребенка,зачатие ребенка,второй ребенок,определение пола ребенка,будущий ребенок медицина, клиники и больницы, болезни, врач, лечение, доктор, наркология, спид, вич, алкоголизм православные знакомства, православный сайт творчeства, православные рассказы, плохие мысли, православные психологи рождение ребенка,пол ребенка,воспитание ребенка,ребенок дошкольного возраста, дети дошкольного возраста,грудной ребенок,обучение ребенка,родить ребенка,загадки для детей,здоровье ребенка,зачатие ребенка,второй ребенок,определение пола ребенка,будущий ребенок